
Tuesday 1 November 2011

Make my blog visible in Google blogsearch and Google search engine?


My blog has been running for about a month and it is still not visible. I have checked the settings such as 'let search engines find your blog' and they are all set to yes. What am I doing wrong?


There's more to do, to make the blog visible, than the two settings.  Publish content, that's interesting and relevant to your readers.  And involve the search engines, productively.

First, learn to find, and to share, the blog URL directly with your family and friends.

Next, we have several FAQs, which discuss how to get the search engines indexing your blog.  Indexing by search engines leads to traffic from people searching, which leads to readers, subscribers, and Followers.

And we have my in thread tutorial.

Having your blog searchable on the web won't happen automatically, nor will it happen immediately.  A lot of hard work, and patience, is required.

Besides friends and family, your initial readers will come through the "Next Blog" link, though not randomly based upon posting activity.  You'll need this initial traffic.

Most long term readers will initially find your blog through search engine hits, from meaningful searches.  Not from searching for your blog by name.

You have to get the search engines involved, but you won't get listed by them, automatically.  You have to do some work, let them know that you're there, that you want to be listed, and that you are worthy of being listed.

1) Get your friends to link to your blog, where your blog is relevant.
2) Participate in forums, where your blog is relevant, and include the URL.
3) Comment on other blogs, in relevant comments, and include the URL.
4) Put relevant and useful content in your blog.
5) Some search engines may index your blog using the site feed.  Be sure to activate the feed.
6) When you have done all of the above, your blog will have some weight.  Submit your blog to the search engines, for indexing.
7) Post frequently, and keep the content of your blog moving.

None of this happens overnight.  Search engines can take months to index your blog fully.  And even when indexed, don't expect for a search to some key element in your blog to give you an entry on the first page of the search hits.  And remember that owners of other blogs, like yours, are actively working to be included by Google too.  Try to ignore the trolls who babble about SEO.

Use Google Webmaster Tools, and Yahoo Site Explorer, to watch the indexing progress, keep an eye for problems, and know when the blog is indexed.  And to setup a sitemap, which is useful to the search engines.

And use a visitor meter, to know objectively when you get readers, and how your readers find the blog.  Don't use comments, or lack of comments, to measure viewer involvement.  Both FlagCounter, SiteMeter, and StatCounter are free, easy to install, and will give you the beginning blogger the detail about your visitors, that you need and can use easily.  The first gives you simple visitor counts, tabulated by country.  The last two give you rudimentary visitor logs, as well as simple visitor counts.   Google Analytics, that's suggested by some helpers here, is more useful to small businesses and corporations.

And understand the differences between followers, readers, and subscribers.

Also, teach people to open your blog using the browser address window, not using the browser search window.


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